How to add coding based questions to the question bank

How to add coding based questions to the question bank

Step -1 

To begin, click on the three dots located beneath the actions column, and subsequently, choose the "Add Questions" option from the dropdown .

Note: Coding questions can ONLY be added manually.

Step -2 : 

Click on the "(+)" option followed by selecting " Coding Simulation" option from the available list of different types of questions.

Step -3:

You can enter the question text in the designated area, along with various options related to the question. Begin by specifying details like:

Function Name: 
You can indicate the function's name in the provided space, as depicted in the picture.

Show Result: 
In this section, you can choose whether the candidate will have immediate access to the code's results upon execution. If you opt for "true," the candidate will be able to view the code's correctness and execution status. However, if you select "false," the candidate will be unable to do so. In such a scenario, the candidate can simply save the code and continue.

Within this section, you can choose the programming language in which the candidate is permitted to write code during the examination.

Add test cases here:
Here, you have the ability to include multiple test cases for the code. You can commence by outlining the test case name, test type (mandatory, corner and optional), associated marks to that particular test case, input and output values, as well as an optional feature of giving test case description for each test case.

Note: Giving at least one test case is mandatory.
Note: Test type in the first test case is predefined as default and cannot be changed.

Reference / Model Answer:
You have the option to put reference or model answer for the question, which will serve as a guide for the question paper setter and evaluator.

Note: This will not be shown to the candidate.

Step – 4:

Next, you'll need to choose certain required fields that provide a description and validation for the question:

Topic: You can specify the topic to which the question belongs. Topics can be added by clicking on the                       "+ Add".


Severity here refers to the difficulty level as listed below:
  1. Very Easy
  2. Easy
  3. Moderate
  4. Difficult
  5. Very Difficult
In an exam, questions are categorized into different severity levels to assess students' knowledge, skills, and understanding. These severity levels help educators create a balanced and fair assessment. It will further help you in associating the questions to the examination based on the level of severity.

Marks and Negative marks:

You can define the maximum score for the specific question, along with the inclusion of negative marks (If applicable).

Note : In this particular question type, the total marks are updated automatically as you assign marks to each test case.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level (BTL):

Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical framework that categorizes objectives into six levels of cognitive complexity, from simple recall to advanced synthesis and evaluation.
BTL stands for Bloom’s Taxonomy Level, which has various options
  1. Create
  2. Evaluate
  3. Analyze
  4. Apply
  5. Understand
  6. Remember

CLO and LOC :
  1. CLO (Course Learning Outcome): Course learning outcome is a specific statement that describes what knowledge or skills students should possess upon successfully completing a course.( Optional )
  2. LOC (Learning Outcome): A learning outcome is a concise statement that specifies what knowledge, skills, or abilities a learner is expected to gain after completing an educational activity. Optional )

Step – 5:

Once all the information is updated, you can click on the "Save" button to successfully add the question to the question bank.
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