How to Configure an Exam

How to Configure an Exam

In the 'Exam Configuration' section, you need to define the fundamental settings for the exam, including Exam Controls, Proctoring, Exam Features, and QP Delivery. These settings encompass what actions are permitted or restricted during the test. 

Start by defining basic details of the exam such as:

Step – 1
  1. Name of the Exam –
Give the name to the Exam.

NotesNote: When specifying the "Name of the exam",  it's essential to avoid using special characters, particularly the use of "/". 
  1. Exam Code –
Specify the exam code which is unique to the exam.
  1. Exam Date –
Specify the date of the commencement of the exam with time.
  1. Duration (Minutes) –
Specify duration of the exam
  1. Exam Subject –
Specify the subject to which the exam is affiliated . To add a new Exam subject, you can click on the ‘+’ button adjacent to the field.
  1. Exam Type 
Select the type of exam i.e. IBT, CBT, RPT or PASS
  1. IBT: In this Type there is no human proctor, only AI monitors the candidate.
  2. CBT: In this type of test the exam happens on site. Internet is not used in this type of exam.
  3. RPT: In this type of exam there is human proctor long  with the AI to monitor the candidates.
  1. Exam Semester -
You have the option to specify and match the semester details for which the exam is being held.
  1. Exam Tag -
Exam tag can be given to the exam. It is used to add additional meta description to an exam. To add a new Exam Tag, you can click on the ‘+’ button adjacent to the field.

    Once done, click on “Save”.

    Step – 2

    Now you will move to the “Exam Configuration” page where you can Configure the exam.
    In the “Exam Configuration”, you are required to specify the basic configuration of the exam .  This information pertains to what is permissible and prohibited during the examination.

    1. Exam Controls 

    Login Time –

    Date and time from which the exam will be active i.e., the examinee can login into the exam portal.
    It is recommended to keep 15 mins prior to the commencement of the exam. 
    1. Deactivation Time 
    Date and time after which the exam will be deactivated i.e., the exam will be no longer accessible to the examinee.
    1. Enable Section Timing 
    Each section will have its time duration and the candidate will automatically be taken to next section on completion of time limit as specified while creating the section.
    1. Evaluation End Date –
    Deadline for completion of the evaluation.
    Only descriptive and file upload type questions are evaluated by the evaluator.
    1. Fixed Exam End Date And Time –
    This is the predetermined time at which the exam will be end irrespective of , if a candidate logs in late.
    1. Late Login Period –
    Additional time(In Minutes) provided to the examinee to login in the exam(After the exam start time).
    Note: Setting the value to "0" will result in unlimited late login duration.
    1. Mandatory Exam Duration 
    Minimum time after which exam can be submitted(min).
    1. Extra Time For Disability
    Additional time(In minutes) is granted to individuals with disabilities.
    1. Desktop Only 
    Examinees can only use a desktop/laptop for the exam i.e., mobile phone and/or other devices cannot be used for the exam.       
    1. Secure Browser -
    Secure Browser ensures a focused online examination environment by restricting users from accessing any other windows during the exam session.

    then click on 'Save & Next' to next Step.

    Step -3 

    Now the second page of “Exam Configuration” will open where you can configure the Proctoring,
    1. Proctoring

    By selecting proctoring option you can choose between the type of proctoring required in the exam.
    1. Proctoring Type –
    Select the type of proctoring
    1. Lite – Only AI will monitor the candidates ,no human proctor will be provided.
    2. Live - Human proctor along with AI will monitor the candidates.
    1. Authorization Type 
    Select the type of authorization
    1. Photo – Only AI will monitor the candidates ,no human proctor will be provided.
    2. Video - Human proctor along with AI will monitor the candidates.
    1. Photo Snapshot Frequency 
    (In Seconds) Represents the photo snapshot capture interval of the examinee during the exam. Captures the exam screen as well as the candidate snapshot.
    1. Save Video 
    Enables the examinee’s video recording to be saved for future use.
    1. Browser tolerance Limit 
    Maximum number of times the candidate can navigate from the window. Once this limit is exceeded the exam gets automatically submitted.
    Note: Setting the value to "0" will result in an unlimited browser tolerance limit count.
    1. Number of Bio Break Allowed 
     Number of breaks allowed during the exam.
    1. Bio Break Time Period 
    Total duration(In Minutes) of the break allowed during the exam.
    NotesNote: This time is not in addition to the total duration of the exam as the exam timer will continue running in the background during the break.
    1. Mandatory Secondary Camera 
    Enhances exam security and/or the extent of monitoring by allowing a secondary camera to capture the surrounding environment of the examinee.

    then click on 'Save & Next' to next Step.

    Step -4

    Now the third page of “Exam Configuration” will open where you can configure the Exam Features,

    1. Exam Features 

    In this panel, you are required to mention the additional exam features that may be available to the examinees.

    1. Login Attempts Allowed 
    Maximum number of login attempts allowed for a candidate during exam.
    Note: If the number of login attempts is "0," the candidate will be unable to log in.
    1. Enable Calculator – 
    Displays a virtual calculator to be used by the examinees.
    1. Inline File Upload – 
    If required, examinees can upload handwritten answer sheets (in the specified format) DURING the exam.
    1. File Upload Time 
    Time allotted to the examinees to upload their answer sheets (in the specified format) after the exam gets over.
    1. Forward Only Navigation 
    Examinee will not be allowed to go back to the previous question.
    1. Mandatory Question Response 
    Examinee will have to answer all the questions.
    1. Display Exam Score 
    Displays exam score of the examinee after the final submission.
    1. Exam Pass Score 
    Defines the passing marks for the exam.

    then click on Save & Next to next Step.

    Step -5

    Now the fourth page of “Exam Configuration” will open where you can configure the QP Delivery.

    1. QP Delivery 

    In this panel, you will define the order of questions that will be shown to the examinees.

    1. QP Creation – 

    Fixed: Same set of questions will be there for all the examinees.

    Random: Questions will be picked randomly from  questions bank.

    1. Randomize Questions 
    Randomizes the sequence of questions for each examinee.
    1. Randomize Options  
    Randomizes the sequence of options for each examinee.

    then click on 'Save & Next' to next Step.

    Thank You!

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