How to create a question bank and upload the questions and review the paper

How to create a question bank and upload the questions and review the paper

Step – 1

Select the third option “Question Bank” from the left side menu provided and click on “Create Question Bank” tab.

Step – 2
Once you assign the name to Question Bank you need to click on Save and proceed to next Step.

Adding Questions Manually

Step – 3
After clicking on Save in previous step a user is required to click on “Three Dots” which are provided just below “Actions” column.
Once user clicks on those three dots presented, a dropdown menu of
  1. Add Questions
  2. View/Review Question
  3. Upload Question
  4. Rename
  5. Archive
  6. Download 
  7. Clone
 Will pop-up and after that a user is required to click on Add Questions

Step – 4
Once user clicks on Add Question, User will be directed to add questions page where he/she will get a Dropdown Menu of numerous options namely
  1. Multiple Choice Single Answers
  2. Multiple Choice Multiple Answers
  3. True or False
  4. Essay Type Descriptive Answers
  5. Short Answers
  6. File Upload
  7. Typing Test
  8. Likert Scale
  9. Calculated Numeric

Step – 5
After selecting the type of question a user is required to enter the passage provided by the client in “PASSAGE GROUP” section if the type of Questions are
  1. Essay Type Descriptive Answers
  2. Short Answers

Step – 6
Topic: General and Others According to the requirements of the Candidate.

Step – 7
BTL stands for Bloom’s Taxonomy Level, which has various options
  1. Create
  2. Evaluate
  3. Analyze
  4. Apply
  5. Understand
  6. Remember

Step – Extra Point 
Severity here refers to difficulty level.

Step – 8
Marks & Negative Marking

Step – 9
CLO (Course Learning Outcome) & LCO (Learning Outcome)
( Optional )

Uploading the Question Paper in Bulk

Step – 10
User can also upload the question paper in bulk, in the action menu of the question bank, a user is required to click on "Upload Question." 

Step – 11
Now the pop-up will open, where you have to firstly download the "Sample File" provided under the upload button to where you can enter the question's details in bulk, then you can browse or drag the formatted excel file that you have made, select the formatted excel sheet containing their questions to upload and click on "Upload" button the file to push it to the portal.

Step – 12
After downloading the excel file, open it, and the user is required to fill in the details in Sheet 1, i.e., "Question," for your reference data. 

Step – 13
After entering Sheet 1, the user is required to fill in the details in Sheet 2, i.e., "Options" for your reference data.

Step – 14
After entering Sheet 2, the user is required to fill in the details in Sheet 3, i.e., "Passage" (Optional) for your reference data.

Marking as Review Process

Step – 15
Now the user needs to mark the questions as reviewed, in which case he or she first has to assign the roles to two different new users as "Reviewer level 1 and Reviewer level 2" from the user column.
Note: You can check the process in another article, by clicking Create a New User.

Then the users needs to login with those new credentials separately to view the question paper. He/she will directly go to the question bank column, and then a user is required to click on "View" from the "Three Dots," which are provided just below the "Actions" column.

Now the pop-up will open,

Step – 16
Where the reviewer may check the questions and also "add a comment" by clicking on the mentioned button.
Note: Adding a comment is mandatory to fill out by the reviewer.

Step – 17
After turning on the button, new fields will open where reviewers may enter their comments or any objections. They can then continue by clicking on the Save button and Next button to move on to other questions.

Repeat the process as in the previous step; the second reviewer will continue accordingly.

Step – 18
After review by the two reviewers, the question reviewer will mark the question as reviewed. In the action menu of the question bank, a user is required to click on "View/Review Question."

Step – 19
Now new page will open where you can View/Review Question which you have uploaded, then a user is required to click on “Three Dots” which are provided just below Actions” column.
Once user clicks on those three dots present a dropdown menu of
  1. View
  2. Edit
  3. Delete
  4. Mark As Reviewed

Will pop-up and after that a user is required to view the question paper and when it is approved then the user click on “Mark As Reviewed” tab.

Hence the Question Bank is Created.

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