What you should avoid

What you should avoid

1. No extra devices
By default, you're are not allowed to use additional devices such as second screens or phones/tablets. There are some exceptions:
- When a smartphone is required for its camera, this device is obviously not forbidden.
- Certain tools, like calculators, are allowed only when the exam instructions state so.
- Things such as medical support devices or items may be used if necessary, but you must show this to the camera when prompted.
2. No headphones
We need to be able to hear what you are hearing in order for the exam to be valid.
3. No talking (or singing)
Any noise and talking will be analysed for suspicious behaviour, so make sure you are in a quiet environment and that you refrain from talking out loud.

4. No toilet breaks

You will need to remain within the camera frame during the exam, so toilet breaks are not allowed. Make sure you go before starting the exam.

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